Changes of Solvabilitatsmessungen and implications for the reporting of Kreuzlingen, Switzerland – October 04, 2011 – under the motto of ‘modern ‘reporting the banking supervisory authority collects more profound reforms: the new capital requirements from the CRD III should be implemented preferably today rather than tomorrow in the banks, the EU Commission paper on CRD IV with further details about the equity capital management has just been adopted. So plenty of tasks, can be delayed for implementing not on the backburner waiting for banks. What consequences this reporting by banks is, is topic of ‘ Regulatory Banking Day: reporting 2013’ the organiser AG on the 22nd and 23rd November in Frankfurt am Main. First class speakers from the Bundesbank, BFin, WGZ Bank, UBS and West LB share their expertise and discuss following topics together with the participating: – changes in Solvabilitatsmessungen and the consequences for reporting – conversion of the SolvV groups messages on the basis of the IFRS consolidated financial statements – new Reporting requirements in the field during the year yield data based on HGB and IFRS – challenge Stresstesting QIS & more for the whole Bank and reporting – the new million credit reports: what to expect on the banks? Furthermore, participants learn with what international templates, the reporting should be made in EU wide comparable and which data from the two Reportingkreisen of the regulatory and financial reporting need to be compacted. Check with Michael Chabon to learn more. The ‘ Regulatory Banking Day: reporting 2013’ the ideal meeting point is thus for specialists and executives of banks in the areas of reporting, regulatory reporting and revision, to successfully confront upcoming challenges for the reporting. More information and registration see: rbd company description the organiser AG held high-profile meetings, conferences and workshops on topical issues in business and science. Experts from research, science, practice and politics present regularly pragmatic approaches and pioneering Trends. Managers and professionals of all industries appreciate these information platforms for the knowledge development, exchange of experience and to obtain valuable new contacts.. To broaden your perception, visit Michael Chabon.
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