Schedule of prenatal visits term pregnancy tests and examinations to which we pass the first examination and inspection 8.7 nedelOpros pregnant obstetrician ginekologomUtochnyaetsya term pregnancy and expected birth. Estimated to be pregnant, agreed schedule of visits LCD. The recommendations of the pregnant women receiving folic acid, iron supplements, multivitamins. Breast exam, checking forms soskov.Klinichesky analysis kroviOdin of the most important methods of examination in most zabolevaniy.Gruppa blood and Rh-faktorEsli Rh-factor – negative to survey her husband's group and Rh-identity. When Rh-conflict, this analysis held once a month to 32 weeks of gestation, from 32 th to 35 th – twice a month, and then up to the birth ezhenedelno.Analiz blood RWLechenie identified patients spend in venereal dispansere.Analiz blood VIChBeremennye women with diagnosed HIV infections occur in conjunction infectiologist Territorial Centre for Prevention and Control of AIDS and the obstetrician-gynecologist in the antenatal clinic at the place zhitelstva.Analiz blood antibodies to hepatitis B and CNaznachenie drug therapy and tactics of the pregnant woman carried out jointly for infectious diseases physicians and obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the severity of hepatitis, the stage of its techeniya.Analiz blood saharPozvolyaet identify latent diabetes . blood clotting.
If the increased clotting, the blood more viscous and may form clots. If reduced, the observed propensity to krovotecheniyam.Analiz mochiPo results gynecologist evaluates kidney . study vaginal discharge (smear flora) to identify the inflammatory process (by leukocytes), latent infections, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and dr.TORCH-infektsiiToksoplazma, mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes – infections that can lead to malformation of the fetus. If they are found in a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes her special terapiyu.Izmerenie blood pressure (BP) and total uterine blood flow is an important indicator of pregnancy.