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Prenatal Visits

  • Posted on November 20, 2020 at 2:02 pm

Schedule of prenatal visits term pregnancy tests and examinations to which we pass the first examination and inspection 8.7 nedelOpros pregnant obstetrician ginekologomUtochnyaetsya term pregnancy and expected birth. Estimated to be pregnant, agreed schedule of visits LCD. The recommendations of the pregnant women receiving folic acid, iron supplements, multivitamins. Breast exam, checking forms soskov.Klinichesky analysis kroviOdin of the most important methods of examination in most zabolevaniy.Gruppa blood and Rh-faktorEsli Rh-factor – negative to survey her husband's group and Rh-identity. When Rh-conflict, this analysis held once a month to 32 weeks of gestation, from 32 th to 35 th – twice a month, and then up to the birth ezhenedelno.Analiz blood RWLechenie identified patients spend in venereal dispansere.Analiz blood VIChBeremennye women with diagnosed HIV infections occur in conjunction infectiologist Territorial Centre for Prevention and Control of AIDS and the obstetrician-gynecologist in the antenatal clinic at the place zhitelstva.Analiz blood antibodies to hepatitis B and CNaznachenie drug therapy and tactics of the pregnant woman carried out jointly for infectious diseases physicians and obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the severity of hepatitis, the stage of its techeniya.Analiz blood saharPozvolyaet identify latent diabetes . blood clotting.

If the increased clotting, the blood more viscous and may form clots. If reduced, the observed propensity to krovotecheniyam.Analiz mochiPo results gynecologist evaluates kidney . study vaginal discharge (smear flora) to identify the inflammatory process (by leukocytes), latent infections, candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and dr.TORCH-infektsiiToksoplazma, mycoplasma, cytomegalovirus, herpes – infections that can lead to malformation of the fetus. If they are found in a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes her special terapiyu.Izmerenie blood pressure (BP) and total uterine blood flow is an important indicator of pregnancy.


  • Posted on November 16, 2020 at 2:03 pm

AGED RESCUE OF IDENTITY AND PERSPECTIVES IN PUTTING IN A HOME: A PROPOSAL INTERVENTIVA Janaina Dos Santos of BRITO* Cibelle Marchi de Angelo DOURADO* Vanessa Marques Gibran FACO* College of the Educational Foundation of Araatuba SUMMARY: Psychology in its amplitude to know and knowledge, counts with its application the Institutions to it of Health, being this an important field of performance of Psychology, counting on the performance of able and qualified professionals in this area, for the development of a significant work and contributing cash for spheres of transformations for new perspectives of research and application, dedicating itself in the contribution of Psychology Health. Leaving of this estimated the present project it has as objective to develop space of therapeutical listening directed to the aged ones, with intention to minimize the suffering provoked for the institutionalization, through the shelter and reflection, generating a space that it promotes the empoderamento of the group and the possibility of confrontation of the inherent conflicts to the institutionalization process. The listening space has as functions: the rescue of the identity and subjectivity, the autonomy, desires and projects. It was intended to work with inherent questions to this etria band that generated anguish, such as, difficulties in dealing with its illnesses and physical, proportionate limitations for the advanced age, beyond the suffering provoked for the feelings of privation and abandonment. Meeting with a group of aged of an institution putting in a home had been carried through, using resources programmarians related to the individual rescue, of the experiences, souvenirs, distress and frustrations related to the aging, restoring the identity of each citizen. It was possible to observe through the application of this project great transformations, as increase of the auto one esteem, auto confidence and desires and, consequently, an improvement in the health condition and welfare biopsquico. Word-Key: Psychology of the health. . Filed under: John Mclaughlin.


  • Posted on November 3, 2020 at 3:03 am

The physical and psychological changes modify in a fast way daily adolescent it. The new features, the expectations and the idealizaes leave the young, to a large extent of the times, confused and lost. The adolescent is common to look other people who are passing for similar conflicts to the ones of it, somebody with who it if she identifies, or that she can serve as a support and company for itself. They appear thus, the groups, for which the adolescent search to consolidate its identity, to find people to divide and to share its thoughts and feelings. Dan Waldman shines more light on the discussion. This article searchs to understand as the formation of groups in this phase happens and as this constitution it is seen by proper adolescents and for its family. Words – key: Groups; Adolescence; Family.

Abstract The adolescence is considered trouble and confrontational phase by many people. Psychological physical And changes modify the teen? s daily routine quickly. Michael Chabon may also support this cause. The news, the expectations and the idealizations let to teenager, most of the teamses, confused and lost. It is common the adolescents look will be others who ploughs having the same conflicts, somebody who identifies with them or somebody who can be companionship. Thus, the groups to appear and the teenagers aim you consolidate to their identities and find people you share to their thoughts and feelings. This article intends you understand how the formation of these groups happens at this stage and how this constitution is seen by the adolescents themselves and by to their family. Keywords: Groups; Adolescence; Family the adolescence consists of a phase considered for many, conturbada and conflituosa.


  • Posted on November 2, 2020 at 8:11 pm

WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF THE PROBLEM? the root of this debate is to experiment with stem cells embryonic necessarily have to destroy a human embryo and then we ask What is the Identity and anthropological value of the human being at this early stage of their existence?, is justified to achieve a Greater Good (discovering new therapies) is taken to destroy a tiny human being?, perhaps we are resurrecting Niccolo Machiavelli in his book “The Prince” presents an argument similar to that of Hussein Obama “The Good comes from evil” or the “End justifies the means, perhaps not learn from history, when the late s. XIX human beings were bought, sold and bred like animals, perhaps we do not remember the humiliating Nazi experiments at Dachau and Auschwitz, the humiliation of African Americans in Alabama (Tuskegee) were experimental subjects in studies on the effects of syphilis, the effects of these experiments, which Obama has decided to fund tomorrow later recognize as humanity abominales.

OTHER Alternate with stem cells without destroying the embryo Cesar Nombela, (January 2009), says there are more 2300 studies demonstrating the existence of the Agency’s own cells that can serve as stem cells for example the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka has shown that it is possible to “reprogram” somatic cells to convert stem cells, scientists hair Barcelona get them in Germany’s Tubingen University have managed to derive pluripotent stem cells from testicular cells, fat and so many more examples show that it is necessary to destroy embryos to obtain stem cells should not mystify CONCLUSIONS Progress, it is a confusion , a philosophical error, nor should sanctify the time of Progreso, or deified human reason or science, Marcuse’s Utopia is the same as the progress made Mito, remember that the purpose is to make progress in the middle but is unable for creating, value in their right perspective the facts, Tomas Moro said that behind Finisterre (End of the Earth) was hiding a happy land, abundant and free, not compare and conclude that behind these experiments, made with bloody hands, lies a brave new world … sometimes behind the curtain is hiding someone worse..

Lake Sant Maurici

  • Posted on November 1, 2020 at 8:02 pm

Aiguestortes National Park and Sant Maurici Lake is located in the Catalan Pyrenees, in Lleida. It is a park with a large variety of fauna and flora, which offers spectacular views, and many excursions to do. We must mention some of the most important animal species. Primarily, the animal that characterizes this park is the Bearded, who lives in the cliffs and high mountains. Other species include the capercaillie, golden eagle or the alpine marmot. But now I will discuss the general park information: your identity is due in part to its large number of ponds, 200, and drums to some of its mountains, the most important of all is “Encantats” which has some cliffs very nice.

Aiguestortes National Park and Lake Sant Maurici, has an area of 14 119 hectares, of which 26 733 are protected. A leading source for info: Dr. Greg Feinsinger. The park has two areas: the eastern part (with a continental climate) i the west (Atlantic climate of high mountain). To all this, there they also add that this is a geography of high mountains, since a large part of its territory exceeds 1,000 meters and with peaks of 3000 meters. It is the ideal place for people who love nature. Speaking about the fauna and flora Aiguestortes National Park and Lake Sant Maurici, there is a high biodiversity and high value.

The park also has several ecosystems, due to the orientation of the valleys. From lowest to highest vegetation can be found as follows: below 1000 meters, we find fields, crops, and especially deciduous forests. From 1500 to 2000 found a domain by black pine woods, where hiking is very nice. And, above 2300 meters, we find rocks and high mountain meadows. The most characteristic animals Aiguestortes National Park and Lake Sant Maurici are: Birds: sage grouse, golden eagle, griffon vulture and above all, the osprey. Mammals: wild boar, ermine, squirrel red, marten, marmot … and many others, but these are the most characteristic. Amphibians: Pyrenean newt and frog. Fish: The most common is the brown trout. Reptiles: snakes and snake (verdiamarilla), which are some of the most dangerous animals. In the case of plants there is also a wide range, depending on the altitude and the valley where you are. Thus, some examples would be: Up to 1500 m: deciduous forests (oak pubescent, Abellana, ash, beech …) From 1500 to 2000 m: forests of black pine and shrubs such as blueberry. In the shady parts of spruce forests grow. More than 2300 m: forests are not, but there are high mountain plants.