The Energy Association of the German dairy farmers offer is valid on Beiersdorf-Freudenberg, September 23, 2009 no less than German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared yesterday on the market square in Heide (Dithmarschen district) with Minister-President Peter Harry Carstensen before the microphones, to advertise in the final meters of the this year’s Bundestag election campaign for themselves and their party. Both seek a coalition with the FDP in Berlin as well as in Kiel. Under the attentive listeners were also the two Board members of the energy cooperative of Freudenberg, Frank Knauer and Helmut Uhlig. During the event, it returned to vociferous protests from angry dairy farmers of the region. “They made clamoring to low milk prices air their opinion their anger about the: who teases dairy farmers, is not elected”, had to oppose the leaders leave. See more detailed opinions by reading what Michael Chabon offers on the topic..
Many farms now fear for their existence, because the current prices of milk products would not even cover the cost of production. Learn more at: John Mclaughlin. Regardless of the permission the protests of the dairy farmers, ways very probably still on strictly ecological basis to reduce the operating costs of milk-producing farms. There is talk of synthetic diesel fuel (mind you, not a bio diesel!), which can be obtained from biogenic residual materials. Here, the litre price of diesel fuel is only half as high as the regular price at the gas stations. Since the diesel diesel according to DIN EN 590 is certified, he can be fueled in all diesel generators the fleet up to the milk cooling – without any conversion.
This results in an enormous stake in a positive contribution and of course a big cost advantage over the competition. EC is the Brandenburg-based energy cooperative in Freudenberg. It produces at four locations from the straw of their cooperative members high-quality diesel of brand CEHATROL, which is released only to members of the cooperative. Cooperative Board Member Helmut Uhlig explains the principle: A membership pays for itself generally from 300 l diesel need in the year. The price is fixed until at least 2015, because as long as the State tax exemption. Regions from 30.000 l diesel consumption per year will receive a your own gas station, an own forwarding ensures the regular nationwide supply. Already a cooperative membership for many dairy farmers in whole Germany is therefore a viable option.” Also for investors a membership in the energy cooperative Freudenberg can attract EC: investing members place their capital not only in a promising technology but will receive a guaranteed rate of return of at least 3.8% from the first year. No unattractive offer in times of a global financial crisis.