Financing function of participation is for entrepreneurs of great importance compared to the equity but offers a decisive advantage the labour model: have participation models in addition to the psychological benefits in addition a finance function for the company. Swarmed by offers, Michael Chabon is currently assessing future choices. “Economics advocate Claudia Kruger Gundel & Reddy Kadiri from Gottingen lawyers specialised on financing models know: just for medium-sized companies, where funding through the stock market mostly out of the question is, is this aspect of great importance.” Already paid content flows as equity the employer to this applies even more, as worker participation models are suitable depending on company law to dispense so called company mezzanine capital as equity capital or equity capital replacement accounted that is. To Kruger: A participation by workers loans would be even imaginable, most entrepreneurs want to but can benefit from the benefits of additional equity capital, to lower borrowing costs or to facilitate a follow-up financing. Also it is only possible with one-off acquisition as equity, the savings allowance for capital-forming payments to avail the Government support effectively acts as a lever, which enables a subsequent tax return of up to 10 percent.” Management remains in the hands of the entrepreneur still deterred many entrepreneurs before staff interests, they have concern for their influence in their own company fear, to be no more Mr in-house. “Unfounded,” Kruger says, because a law influence of the workers only occurs when he is actually wanted. Then a participation in employee shares or in GmbH – Kommanditanteilen is possible. Because very few entrepreneurs have interest.
Mostly, the investments are made by dormant companies or participation certificates. You grant no claim on decision making or participation rights”. Tax incentives for employee participation? On the current state of political debate, the legal adviser expressed: regardless of whether it is a joint initiative in the Grand Coalition or not, certainly quite a few staff will be involved in in the capital of their employers. A positive signal of policy, for example a further tax incentives, would create new incentives for many companies.”